Archive for the 'News' Category

Lukasz and his team triumph at 4th Team Tournament


Well done to Lukasz’ Lookers for claiming first place at the 4th Team Tournament. Lukasz and his team took on Spartan Spikers in the final, narrowly taking the victory. It is The Lookers first victory this season and was well deserved, with some great team play.

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VK Men 2 secure third successive victory!

VK Men’s 2nd team secured their third win in a row versus Harriers on Wednesday night. Some strong serving from Bektas saw them come back from 6-13 down to take the fourth set and the match by 3 sets to 1.

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Happy New Year

As the New Year commences we welcome you back to training at QE. The first session is Wednesday 7th January 2015 at 8pm. A reminder to all members that the new term subscriptions are now due. Please see Joey at the start of the session.

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Christmas Tournament

Well done to Dave’s Divers for winning our third internal club tournament. Fantastic turnout with some very close matches.
VK Barnet would like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and we look forward to welcoming you back to training on the 7th January 2015.

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VK Junior wins British Beach Volleyball Title

Sandbanks 2014-4
VK Junior Ryan Poole showed, at the weekend, just what a versatile and upcoming volleyball talent he is as along with his partner Harry Jones (Wessex VC) he was crowned British Under 18 Beach Volleyball Champion at a tournament in Sandbanks, Dorset.

Ryan and Harry also narrowly missed out on a second title as they finished runners up in the Under 20 event, a remarkable achievement competing against much older players as both boys will have another 4 or 5 years competing in that particular age group !

Also at the tournament, for their first taste of competitive beach volleyball, were VK Juniors Rhys, William, Chris and Adam.
Will and Rhys paired up but Rhys suffered an early injury and had to withdraw but with a new partner, Will managed to win his first set and then his first match on sand.
Likewise for Chris and Adam. Through continued improvement during the day they won their first set and then their first match on sand.

Both pairs expressed afterwards how much they had enjoyed the experience and wanted to play more beach. Eric and Sean are trying to coordinate some Junior sessions up at the beach courts in St Albans though transportation seems to be the biggest hurdle. Please speak to either if you are interested.

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