Archive for the 'Juniors' Category

VKB makes the VE Annual Awards Shortlist – Twice!

Fantastic news for the club, as two members are shortlisted, to attend the Awards night, and may even win on the night!

Sean is nominated for Children’s Coach of the Year Award, with all the Satellite Club sessions and Junior Coaching he does.

Jess is nominated for Young Official of the Year Award, one of our many star Juniors who has been Scoring all our Matches on Wednesday nights as well as participate in the VE Junior Development Programme.

We wish them all the best on the 7th May, and watch this space to see what the results are.

posted by Eric in Juniors,News and have Comment (1)

Junior Satellite Club Members to attend National Talent Camp

6 junior members the VK Southgate School Junior Satellite Club have been accepted on the Youth Sport Trust National Talent Camp to be held in Loughborough in December. Congratulations to Ryan​, Aidan, Rhys​, Jaime​, Jessica​ & Hosanna.


The camp brings together around 350 young athletes from a wide variety of sports for 4 days of workshops under the guidance of professional sports coaches and olympians. As an aside to the camp, each of the 6 will be entitled to undertake a VE Level 1 Coaching qualification – hopefully as early as November. This is just reward for the work they have all put in with helping at satellite club sessions as well as running beginners sessions in their own schools.


Last year, 2 of our older juniors – Natalia​ and Tommy​ – attended the camp and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Both returned with such enthusiasm and became invaluable assistant coaches at the Satellite Club.

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Satellite Club wins national award !

The VK junior satellite club running at Southgate School recently won a national award, having been nominated by London Sport who provided the initial funding to get the club started a couple of years ago.

Mel Lampert of London Sport said :-

“VK Barnet have won the Sport England regional “Satellite Club of the Year” Award for their satellite club at Southgate School. A number of different sports clubs were nominated and Sport England chose VK Barnet as the winner.
This is a fantastic achievement and a credit to Sean, Eric and the club, as well as the school.”

The school, and in particular their Head of PE, Nick Robinson, have been incredibly supportive of the club from day 1. This has been the cornerstone of the club’s success, along with London Sport’s initial funding.

The club runs at Southgate School between 5 & 6 pm every Tuesday during term time and caters for boys and girls aged between 12 & 19.

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