Pre-Christmas Tournament Report

Posted by Sean on 20 Dec 2012

Great evening yesterday – 27 players turned up at QEs for our Intra-club pre-Christmas mixed tournament with some colourful and interesting head gear on display ! 4 teams played it out over 10 matches for the winners prize of having first dip in the sweet tin (kindly supplied by Sue-thanks), with Team Armidillos the eventual winners (congratulations to Gabrielle, Eran, Stephen, Jackie, James and Andrea).

Some very good performances in a VERY competitive tournament – for me a true reflection of all the hard work that the coaching team have put in this term with the availability of 2 courts for training most Weds evenings. A big thank you from me to all the assistant coaches who have helped make these sessions so enjoyable and successful.
Another big thank you to Dave and Angelo for setting up and running the Sat afternoon beginners sessions at QEs and to Eric for helping with the Junior sessions at Southgate School (~28 kids every week !)

Well played everybody, and in the right spirit ! Hope you all enjoyed the evening.
Merry Christmas to all members from the club, see you in the New Year.

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