Men’s 2nd Team Match Report

Posted by Sean on 03 Oct 2013

Congratulations to our new Junior Boys Team who competed in their first ever HVA Div 2 match at Welwyn last night under the expert guidance of Eric.

Here is a brief match report.
Lost 3-0 to 18,15 and 15 points. 23,15 and 20 mins.
But they had some great rallies and held there own, it’s the usual bad run of points on one or two rotations. They all got a fair bit of play. Good spirit on court, supporting one another. Very satisfying overall, considering. Kept it simple everyone set from middle and 6 up. Refs and other team were really impressed and complimented them. Gave them a clap when they left.

Well done boys and to Eric. Sounds really positive for the future of this team.

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